Liana Valla

Occupational Therapist (Registered/Licensed)

Neurofeedback Clinician, Othmer Method Certified
Integrative Yoga Therapy Teacher

…Are we really taking care of Ourselves first?

Calm-Rocks-About-LianaAn Occupational Therapist works with you to optimize your Self-Care.

This means something different to each of us. With an individualized and person-centered approach, Liana shares her OT skills interactively, to ensure you will take away meaningful and repeatable tools for your well-being and best functional performance, every day.

Honors Graduate in Occupational Therapy at the University of Florida 1997, Liana has many years of clinical experience as a Board-Certified Occupational Therapist in varied Florida medical settings. With teacher training in both Kripalu Yoga (2010) and Integrative Yoga Therapy (2015), her OT career expanded its skillset for optimal function in body, mind, and spirit. She holds Certification Status in Neurofeedback practice with the EEG Institute based in Los Angles, California, Othmer Method, to demonstrate her dedication to mastery of the Neurofeedback practice.


  • Neurofeedback clinician, Othmer Method Certified #1052
  • Interactive Metronome
  • Kinesiology/decompression taping
  • Ergonomics/Spine/Body mechanics Specialist
  • ETPS/MPS/Dolphin Stim for Chronic Pain
  • Physical Agent Modalities: U/S
  • PEMF with BEMER
  • Therapeutic Yoga affiliate for School-based and Multiple Sclerosis wellness programs

A Letter from Liana:

Having worked professionally in traditional health care systems for all these years, I have seen the need to provide more individualized and personal attention to clients’ understanding of their own ability to make positive health changes. With this awareness, I have entered into many creative healing roles and learned so much about my own self-care. I’ve since made the focus of my therapeutic approach one of “integrating” health care. Collectively, I refer to the techniques as ‘VitalTherapy’.

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